polarization (Was :Eleven good candidates)

Ali Abdin wrote:
> Now I think we might see some polarization (where people go and vote for
> somebodyt just because they trust the judgement of the GNOME hackers)

I agree with you Ali.

I think it was somewhat ditstatefull that Owen, Havoc & Maciej came up
with "Here is my list". It is not the same to saying "Vote for Foo
he has this and that abilities and would make a good board member"

Talk about polarization ...

Owen's 11 candidates are in Havoc's List [*1]
Maciej's 11 candidates are in Havoc's List
Maciej's and Owen's lists share 10 candidates between them. [*2]

Sorry guys, but I don't think this was apropiate.


[1]* Havoc sumited a list of 14 candiates
[2]* Ok, you could argue 9, but I am assuming Maciej's is
     voting for himself too which is expected.

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