Re: advisory board & announcement update

Bart Decrem wrote:
> Hi Kelly,
> Interesting point.  How about if we cross this bridge if and when we get
> to it?  ie. let's figure this out if the situation ever arises where
> someone gets kicked off and wants a refunds (a fairly low-likehood event
> I think).

I beg to disagree here. I think the time to address issues like this is
up front; although someone getting kicked out of the advisory board may
be a low probability event, if it ever does happen then feelings on both
sides may well be running high at that point, and so arguments about
refunds could easily arise. Better to make any "no refunds" policy clear
up front before disputes ever arise.

> Martin: I think the membership fee is the same regardless of when you
> join.

Why not have advisory board membership terms be staggered by quarter, so
that companies would always pay for a full year and then would have to
renew at the beginning of the corresponding quarter a year away. For
example, if a company joined the advisory board on August 8, their term
would run through the end of the current quarter and continue for the
following three quarters, so their membership would expire on June 30,
2001. The foundation could then send out renewal requests at the
beginning of each quarters; e.g., in the example above the company would
get a renewal request on or before April 30, 2001.

Frank Hecker            work:        home:

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