Re: Wrong characters for Serbian cyrillic

Rob wrote:
On Tuesday 21 October 2003 20:15, Sander Vesik wrote:

Lack of italic Vera Serif is unfortunate - esp as there is
mono italic and bold italic which i can't imagine getting used
all that often

You can get most of the way to an oblique sans serif font programmatically (pfaedit will even do it for you) but an italicized serif font is really a different face altogether. I can totally understand why we don't have one.

For what it's worth, last I checked, Tahoma (one of the most widely used sans serif fonts out there courtesy of MS) doesn't even come with an oblique version, so it's not exactly a problem unique to Linux.

you always get the oblique variant for free from the rendering system on windows, so there is no need for a set of bits calling themselves 'Tahoma Oblique' to be written to disk. The benefit would be marginal.



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