Re: Being honest about the development of f-spot

> Ok, I can not (and would not want to) help with f-spot development,
> but I could probably help with the migration from f-spot to some other
> program with well defined database format (which, by the way, f-spot
> certainly has not --- and as the author of f_spot_cleanup,
> , I know what I am talking
> about :-).  
> If you think that would be useful, let me know where to you would like
> to migrate, and if there are enough people proclaiming interest, I'll
> hack something together to export your f-spot database to that target.

Hi Sven,

Thanks. Indeed it would be very nice to have these scripts (I have seen the other post about tne existing script for digikam). I will bug you for it once I figure what I want to use.

Unfortunately, I do not know what to switch to yet because , in fact, I love the feature/bug that your "cleanup" script adddresses. I keep a large archive of all my photos on a desktop computer with a large RAID array and I keep a copy of the database and the latest few sets on my laptop. By using a common path with a bunch of symbolic links, I am able to add/edit the database/photos on my laptop and just move the files to the archival location smoothly.  Last time I tried neither shotwell nor digikam allowed this but perhaps things have changed. Do you know of any other software that has such "bugs"? :)



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