Re: Adding geolocation support

On Sat, 2009-05-09 at 17:05 +0300, Alberto Mardegan wrote:

> In the future I'm going to use also a method to convert from pixel 
> coordinates to geographic coordinates. Not much more than that, so I 
> guess any map widget should be usable there.
Libchamplain has that ;)

> > The current plugin displays location of the selected images in a
> > sidepane too.
> In which branch is this code?
It is unpublished, I'll send it to you in a private email.

> At the moment I'm mostly interested in getting the geographic search 
> functionality available, so the map widget choice is not my main 
> concern; for practical reasons I'll continue developing with OsmGpsMap, 
> but I'll keep in mind that this dependency might change.


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