RE: "How to Build F-Spot from HEAD" troubles

I've done it before by ./configure --prefix=/usr for gtk-sharp, then 'make install' used to install it globally.
It was easy, but for some reason this doesn't work anymore - if you do this, current versions of f-spot and banshee would crash on startup.

It seems that the correct way is to install gtk-sharp svn to some other location and then use PKG_CONFIG_PATH when configuring f-spot git, e.g.

PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/gtk-sharp-install/lib/pkgconfig/ ./ --prefix=/path/to/f-spot-install --disable-scrollkeeper

This works, but not the compilation: make still complaints about missing gdk-sharp:

** (/usr/lib/mono/2.0/gmcs.exe:28965): WARNING **: Could not load file or assembly 'gdk-sharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=35e10195dab3c99f' or one of its dependencies.

Probably someone with more experience should help us and update instructions on the


2009/5/9 Bc. Marek Pasičnyk <marek pasicnyk com>

Hmm, as likely as nowhere. I thought, that when i install gtk-sharp,
f-spot'll use it. So could you pls help me ?


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