resize, then save as resized and renamed

I like to set up my own dated-directories - eg, 08-10-12 Test-shoot - and therein save processed photos that retain their original image number and include a few identifiers - eg, IMG-00142 Elk in front yard.jpg. 

Saving as resized jpgs is important to me.  Raw files are large, I often don't save (photoshop) PSD or DNG of the opened image, preferring to save the original raw and the processed (smaller) image. In F-spot, I found how (theoretically) to resize for email. That didn't work. Regardless, I'd like to be able (from within F-spot) to resize the image and to save it. Afterwards, I can email the image if and when I want to.

Is there a way - in the primary editing screen - to resize the image, then save-as?

Thank you.


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