Re: Display bigger version of a photo on a tooltip


On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 3:27 PM, Steve Dobson
<steve dobson syscall org uk> wrote:
> Micheal

>  > In that case, popups should not be shown (ie. no popups, when
>  > <ctrl> key is being pressed). Reason: When <ctrl> is pressed,
>  > not only browsing seems to be done. Ie., there's a different use
>  > case for f-spot at that very moment.
>  But what about the case when you press the control key just before
>  pressing the I key (show metadata).  Or for that matter Ctrl-F to toggle
>  the displaying of the "Find Bar".  There must be loads of short cuts
>  that use Ctrl where removing the enlarged thumbnail would be a wrong.

Hm. Why should the enlarged version be shown when "Show
Metadata" is selected? And why would it be wrong if the enlarged
version goes away when Ctrl-F is pressed? I don't understand
the problem you're seeing there.


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