Re: I'm trying to learn Mono specifically to contribute to f-spot, advice?

I'm putting this reply on the f-spot list as well.  I hope you don't
mind, but others might find it useful.  (comments below)

On 3/18/07, Richard Bronosky <mythtv bronosky com> wrote:

On 3/18/07, Michael Wayne Goodman <goodman m w gmail com> wrote:
> Keep in mind that you don't need to use MonoDevelop to work with C#
> and Mono code.  GEdit and Vim both have syntax highlighting for C#.
> You could also try creating your own solution file.

 Awesome, I ended up editing the *.cs files from the tutorial in vim and
compiling from the CLI already.  I feel like a total gimp when I can't use
the vim wizardry I spent the last 2 years learning.  So I intended to so
this already.

My concern is more about the value of getting to see the relationship that
all those source files have to the project as a whole.  Let's say I want to
do something like work with the red-eye correction function so that it
restores the zoom an scroll of your view port after the image refreshes.
Without the IDE I don't know how to find the files that the relative code
lives in.

Is the solution simply to try to imagine words that would be in the code and
grep for them?  That can't be best.

If you're using Vim you can create a tags file (see, then when you hit a key command (eg.
ctrl-]) within Vim on a function name or whatever, it will take you to
the definition.  If the definition is in another file, it will open
that file in a new buffer.  If you are using GVim and would like it in
a tab instead of a buffer, use the command ":tab ball" and it will
open all buffers in new tabs.  Taglist might be another worthy
plugin/script for vim (

As for searching for things that are not variables or
functions/methods.... well, I'm still using grep for that as well.  So
far it works pretty well though.

good luck!

.!# RichardBronosky #!.

-Michael Wayne Goodman

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