Thank for you suggestion. I tried to lunch with -b option, but it doesn't work : no permission access... I tried to change the permission on /.gnome2/f-spot/ but I wasn't abble to set something efficient... So I moved this folder in the photos folder which is my case is on an other harddisk with correct link to me and my girldfriends home directory. Then it's work with -b option. Now I am affraid of what will happend when I import photos. I will need to change the group manualy ? Nat Brian J. Murrell a �it�: On Wed, 2007-02-21 at 22:28 +0100, Stephane Delcroix wrote:If I remember well, -b and -p options were added at 0.3.0.-b and -p are only the tip of the iceberg as I have commented in the bug about this in the bug tracker. I expand on the more serious issues in that bug and some suggestions on how to solve them. b. |