Re: Show all tags in Albums? (Was: Terminology)

On 9/19/06, Sam Barker <sam quadrocket co uk> wrote:

As I see it a picture belongs to an album and a tag belongs to a
picture, not the other way round. I think this distinction is
fundamental. A tag is just an arbitrary piece of meta data, an album is
some kind of container.

Hmm, yes that kind of makes sense.

For this is it worth having a second class of tag called a flag? The
idea being that flags can be added to a photo but are not visible as

I think that was brought up before too. But I don't think anything was
said about how it fit the idea behind F-Spot.

IIRC it was brought up as a way to select eg which images in a "stack
collection" (not implemented yet) should be visible in the GUI. It
could also be used to eg tag images with meta data such as if they are
in RAW format or similar (RAW files are a bit tricky as different
manufacturers use different file extentions).

These "tags" should probably never be written to the files though as
they are only relevant to the program.


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