Re: 321770 - Filter on Last 20 Rolls

Patrick Wagstrom wrote:
 The beauty of GNOME is in it's
simplicity - great strides have been taken to make GNOME more simple
while retaining the power.  Making a GConf key for this seems like the
optimal solution - giving power while maintaining simplicity.

To be honest, this aspect of gnome has always annoyed me. A number of times I've found functionality that was useful to me suddenly disappear, because it was 'too complex'. Who knows, maybe the functionality is still there, but buried somewhere that I can't find it without reading the source.

If you are going to put it in gconf and not in the properties dialog, you might as just hardcode it - 99.9% of the users will never change it if it isn't in the dialog. And I *REALLY* don't see how having an entry like "Number of previous rolls to display" with a text entry widget makes the UI more complicated. Put it on an advanced tab in the properties dialog if you really want it hidden away...


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