Re: Import Patch and Iview tags...

On Sat, 2006-04-29 at 09:53 -0400, Warren Baird wrote:
> Bengt Thuree wrote:

> Well - the problem is that f-spot's internal data structure for a Photo
> only has a single "Description" field - it's content shows up in the GUI
> labeled "Comment".   I don't want to try and start mucking around with
> the basic data structures as part of an import patch --- You could open
> a bug to add a "Title" mechanism if you like.
> If I find both I might be able to set the "Description" field to be
> "<Headline> : <Caption" or something like that...

In the meantime sounds like a good solution.

> > Definitely, that would be great. How about the other tags, like
> > Location, Copyright, Keywords....
> Location makes sense and I think the things tagged a 'Keywords' are
> already contained in a Bag, so they should be included already.  I don't
> think copyright makes sense --- in the file you sent me, the copyright
> field contains "Jade and Bengt Thure'e" --- so I'm not sure what kind of
> tag I should create.   It certainly wouldn't make sense to create a tag
> "Jade and Bengt Thure'e" --- and I don't even think it would make sense
> to create a tag "Copyright:Jade and Bengt Thure'e".

The copyright entry has to be editable, since on a newly taken picture
you need to set it. A tag, hmm... I still think a Tag would be nice.

> If you open a bug and convince someone to add a separate "Copyright"
> field, I could easily put the copyright there --- but I don't think it
> should be added as a tag.

I have read something about a copyright tag or entry somewhere, but
could not find it right now.

Let me know if you want me to try and help with something... apart from
test photos and testing :)

> Warren

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