Re: Missing features

Alexandre Prokoudine schrieb:
> Ah, finally someone to shoot RAW+JPEG! Could you please tell me
> offlist why you need that? :)

Maybe on-list is better ;-): I'm doing because I don't know before what
I'll do with the image. For the average shot I just upload to flickr I
usually need just the JPEG (and have less work with it). If I want to
crop I often use the RAW then and optimize a bit the colours and so on.

If I take photos for my Cyanotypes ( I'll use RAWs
definetly. Also if I shoot portraits, I'll use RAW+JPEG.

In camera processors do a great job nowadays. It's sometimes really a
complex problem to get similar good results from the RAWs. So it is too
much work for me, to convert every picture I want to use somewhere from
the RAW but on the other hand sometimes it is very good to the and use
the RAW.

If I'm on a vacation trip I might shoot JPEG most time, but as I'm get
used to have the RAWs as well, I might not...


"What is this thing, anyway?" said the Dean, inspecting the
implement in his hands. "It's called a shovel," said the Senior
Wrangler. "I've seen the gardeners use them. You stick the sharp
end in the ground. Then it gets a bit technical."

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