Re: [Evolution] Forwarding a mail to action fraud that is potentially fraudulent

On Thu, 2022-09-15 at 08:49 +0200, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
On Thu, 2022-09-15 at 06:59 +0100, Steve T via evolution-list wrote:
Is that message from Evolution or from my mail provider, and if from
Evolution, can I disable the scam check for an individual mail?

I'd need to see an exact message and when it shows up to know for sure,
but I guess it returns your SMTP server. 

Yes, I'm using POP/SMTP - the message is :
Data Command failed: Message contains malware (detected as Sanesecurity.Phishing.Fake.Coin.29059.UNOFFICIAL)

You can see what's going on
under the hood when you run Evolution as:

   $ CAMEL_DEBUG=smtp evolution

I didn't use my brain - I have a different EMail client on my phone, so I've just forwarded the message from 
there to
see what happened. It appears to forward ok.

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