Re: [Evolution] Announcement: this mailing list will be retired by the end of Oct 2022

On 2022-10-26 at 12:00 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
That's interesting. It looks like Gnome are using an old version of
Discourse then.

The comments about categories and topics is interesting. I asked if
it were possible to create sub-categories in the Applications
category and the answer was a complete and resounding NO.

I think you refer to

When looking at discourse I also considered the interface should have a
section per application and for properly filing the support requests.
Then, actually looking at the workflow it understand it makes sense.
It's a bit weird, sure, but when creating a new post, it does ask you
the tag (i.e. the application), and you can search for only some
application tags.

It's not what I expected, it can probably be made available with a
"better" interface, but their use of tags makes sense. Specially since
there's such large number of GNOME applications that would have to be

It seems to me that they think users/we/contributors should be
interested in the whole of the Gnome ecosystem not just one bit of
it.  This is a Gnome Discourse issue, not a Discourse issue.

I think it will lead to more exposure of the different silos. So that
someone mostly interested in the Music player will now be more likely
to help an evolution or gedit user. But, at the same time, this also
means more exposure to the other apps for those not interested a tiny
bit in the other parts of GNOME.

Plain text emails going into the system should be just that. I send
them as plain text not as markdown. If I wanted to give them some
form of extra formatting I would use HTML. Can't text just be
interpreted as text.

Plain text emails often use _some_ symbols for *emphasis*.
While there is no clear standard for that, interpreting them as
markdown isn't that an odd choice.

Hyperkitty can do something similar (which is configurable):

Or it should at least be a bit more intelligent about it - if
there are markdown elements, interpret it as markdown, otherwise it's
plain text.

That would be sensible. Although markdown should be mostly backwards
compatible when feed with plaintext.


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