Re: [Evolution] Announcement: this mailing list will be retired by the end of Oct 2022

what you're saying is a honestly a bit unfair, lists decommission has
been communicated multiple times over the past few months, see [1]
and [2],

Communicated to whom?

Have you ever read "Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy"?

One glaring omission in [1] and [2] is *this* *list*. Are you expecting
everyone on this list to also be on the Gnome devel and foundation
lists? Many people who use this list don't even use Gnome, have no
interest in Gnome, nor really care about it. They just use Evolution
and want some help.

 but what's even more discouraging is seeing users on your list

It's not my list. I'm just a user who has been trying to help people.

mentioning we're switching to *Discord*, or others not even
understanding Discourse has the same mailing list workflow that you
have today but has some sugar added on top for people who like web
forums and other features Discourse provides.

My experience of web forums is that the discussions are disjointed,
without any real threading, and it's difficult to follow detailed,
lengthy, discussions.  Does tacking a mail interface on to it alleviate
any of those issues?

Do the notifications mails from Discourse have threading information in
them? I don't see how it can if some posts are written on the forum and
some are email based.  Have these sorts of issues been thought about?
This is a mail client we are talking about here, we CARE about such

There's a subset of lists (the l10n ones) which have requested an
exception from October's deadline, we can surely offer that in case
you want some more time in order to migrate somewhere else or just
give Discourse a try. But please, very please, let's just stop
complaining for the sake of doing so and without having even tried
using the new tool.

But if we try it and don't like it, what then? I presume there is no
other option under the auspices of Gnome? There's no point in lying
down in front of the bulldozer?


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