Re: [Evolution] Announcement: this mailing list will be retired by the end of Oct 2022

On Wed, 2022-10-26 at 11:24 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On Fri, 2022-10-21 at 13:09 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:

They do, an example set of headers from one of the replies I got

Reply-To: GNOME Discourse
<03e7e14d32e53136f623f8ab8e9e4f discourse gnome org>
<topic/11399 e36ca6710ce07e14d7ae215 discourse gnome org>
References: <topic/11399 discourse gnome org>

The threading information needs some serious work. The References:
header doesn't match up with the message being replied to, in fact
only consistent reference is to the
topic/xxxxx discourse gnome org ID.
Consequently there's no real threading in the mail from Discourse,
everything is at the same level underneath the first mail - and it
doesn't take much for not even that to work.

And I still can't find out how to get an email copy of my own posts.
that even possible?

I mentioned your objections in a post to the Fedora Users list (which
uses Mailman3), and this was a reply from one of its users: lists fedoraproject 

That's interesting. It looks like Gnome are using an old version of
Discourse then.

The comments about categories and topics is interesting. I asked if it
were possible to create sub-categories in the Applications category and
the answer was a complete and resounding NO. It seems to me that they
think users/we/contributors should be interested in the whole of the
Gnome ecosystem not just one bit of it.  This is a Gnome Discourse
issue, not a Discourse issue.

Similarly with sporadic emails - that's a Gnome infrastructure thing.

Plain text emails going into the system should be just that. I send
them as plain text not as markdown. If I wanted to give them some form
of extra formatting I would use HTML. Can't text just be interpreted as
text. Or it should at least be a bit more intelligent about it - if
there are markdown elements, interpret it as markdown, otherwise it's
plain text.


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