Re: [Evolution] What do I do now? V2

On Wed, 2022-11-02 at 16:18 +0000, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
I think that should be possible here as well, no?

Not sure how that works. Was that email addressed directly to you, or
was it a general post to the list?

I am also on the network-manager list.

What happened was that someone arranged for a new list to be created on (which uses mailmain) and then an administrator for the
Gnome list got all the addresses currently subscribed, and then they
were added to the new list using bulk subscription in the mailman
interface, with a requested approval.

When that happens mailman will email each user with a standard mailman
subscription email (reply or click a link to subscribe) and once they
do the deed, they are subscribed to the new list.  If they don't do
anything, they are not subscribed.

In order for something like that to happen here we'd need (a) someone
to create such a list, and (b) someone with admin privileges to the
current list to get all the subscriber emails so they can be bulk-
added.  I know that moderators don't have such privileges (I run some
mailman lists myself as an admin, with some moderators helping).

Alternatively of course we can announce the new list (as I said before
it doesn't HAVE to be done before this list closes: it can be announced
on Discourse) and let people subscribe on their own.

Note that I personally have not had good experiences with
lists (as I described earlier) and I'm not really interested in
subscribing to more lists on that service, and so I have not done so. 
But that's just me and of course if that's where others want to go then
they should surely do so.

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