Re: [Evolution] Evolution doesn't show google contacts categories any more

On Tue, 2022-06-21 at 12:57 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:
Apart from that, as far as I understand it's all in google's hands
and we don't have any option at the moment to see labels exported
into the CardDAV interface, or are we aware there is any kind of plan
for it in the future?

I'm not aware of anything available in the CardDAV interface. The
groups the Contacts API used to expose are just not in the CardDAV.

The Google did not just close the Contacts API, they have a replacement
for it, it's the People API, but there's nobody able to port libgdata
project to use the People API, thus the move to the CardDAV interface.

And, finally, I am thinking about adding all the categories to the
contacts shown in evolution to reflect the google labels (>2k
contacts, and some dozens of categories... I can do it manually
(argh!), but could there be any semi-automated way?).

If you've a tool, which can use the People API, then you can do it,

This would lead to duplicated and not consistent data, and what if in
the future google extends the CardDAV interface?

... I'm afraid the Google contacts won't preserver/survive/properly
synchronize the Categories with their Groups, thus all of this can be
lost some day. Even worse, I just tried to create a contact with a set
Category and it was lost/not saved to the server. Maybe once they
synchronize the groups through the categories, it'll start working on
its own, both ways, but whether they plan any such thing I do not know,
it is solely up to them (honestly, it doesn't look like a too
complicated task, but they are large and they have their own


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