Re: [Evolution] How do I make my own hotkeys?

Thanks Andre! Using your instructions I was able to use "n" as the
hotkey for next email instead of Ctrl+PgDn, and "p" for previous email
instead of Ctrl+PgUp. However, the list didn't scroll with multiple
presses of "n", and so soon disappeared from the list. Multiple presses
of "p" scrolled off the top of the list. This behavior is true of the
default Ctrl+PgUP and Ctrl+PgDn too. Is there any way I can make the
list scroll when I repeatedly go to the next or previous email?

It does on mine, but it's a bit laggy - i.e. if you are doing it
quickly, then it doesn't always re-draw the list on every key press.

Also, if I accidentally delete one or more messages and haven't
yet, how do I undelete them?

Enable "View 🡒 Show Deleted Messages" in that physical folder, and
select "Undelete Message" from the context menu.

Thanks Andre. View=>Show Undeleted Messages in that folder failed to
show the undeleted messages.

It depends on how you have set up deleting to behave. If you have set a
real folder to use as a trash, then the messages are moved to the trash
rather than just being marked as deleted.  In that case go into the
trash folder for the account and undelete them from there.  To change
the behaviour it's under Edit -> Preferences -> Mail Accounts ->
[select account] -> Edit -> Defaults


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