Re: [Evolution] Would this have side effects ?

On Sat, 2021-02-06 at 11:03 -0700, Zan Lynx wrote:
came first and deleted the message from the server. Then the second
one got an error, because it tried to retrieve a message that was
no longer there. In evolution (when being the second one), I got an
error message
"Cannot get message...".
One of the clients deleted (and expunged I assume) the message?
This "problem" falls into the set of "problems" that are user error.
OBVIOUSLY, if an email message is deleted then it is gone. The
question then would be why one of your clients is configured to do

Agree, that problem is only going to regularly beset a configuration
that doesn't make sense.

A mail store, like any concurrently accessibly database, is going to
"suffer" from last-writer-wins, and such behavior falls under the same

Deleted is deleted; nothing is at fault.

Or use a local Maildir. Although I remember a few bugs with
Evolution and simultaneous Maildir access, it has been a long time
and I assume they were fixed. 

I suppose more that they are unfixable;  if someone wants sane
concurrent access -> use a server, in this case IMAP.  Modern IMAP
servers are pretty darn robust [Dovecot, Cyrus, etc...]  An error when
unable to retrieve a message that was in the most recent /LIST is
reasonable - that's a real problem.

Adam Tauno Williams <mailto:awilliam whitemice org> GPG D95ED383

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