Re: [Evolution] Would this have side effects ?

Am Samstag, den 06.02.2021, 10:20 -0500 schrieb Adam Tauno Williams:
On Fri, 2021-02-05 at 17:10 -0600, Anonymous Japhering via evolution-
list wrote:
Since I'm using IMAP, would it create any, heretofore unseen side
effects to create 2 accounts in Evolution pointing
to the same mail server.

As long as the IMAP server manages concurrent connections to one
account in a sane manner this will work just fine; within Evolution the
accounts are isolated.

I've had the situation that the IMAP server didn't "manage concurrent
connections to one account in a sane manner". 

This is what happened. I had two clients listening to one IMAP server with
IMAP IDLE (evolution and getmail). It happened that both clients saw a new
mail and tried to download it (or part of it, like the header). One client
came first and deleted the message from the server. Then the second one got
an error, because it tried to retrieve a message that was no longer there.
In evolution (when being the second one), I got an error message "Cannot get

I believe it lies in the IMAP protocol that it goes like this. The server
isn't to blame.


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