Re: [Evolution] Week View bunches Wednesday and Thursday together, not Saturday & Sunday

On Tue, 2020-09-29 at 12:45 +0000, Joseph Voros via evolution-list
On Tue, 2020-09-29 at 13:05 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
The list doesn't use "listserv" but Mailman. Be that as it may, as I
mentioned to you offline, the preferred method of doing this is to put
the image on a publicly accessible website and post the URL to the

Sorry, showing my age -- for me "listserv" is a generic term for any
automated email list, dating from my days way back in the Paleolithic of
the interwebs ;-)

It was never a generic term. It used to refer to a specific mailing
list system on IBM's BITNIC corporate network in ye olden days pre-
Internet, which IIRC used the hair-raising kludge of submitting
messages as batch jobs to VM/370 mainframes. It has also been used for
other systems:

I didn't see advice about placing images onto web sites, but I shall employ
that method hereafter, if necessary.

I'm pretty sure I replied to you off-list (wearing my list moderator
hat), but it doesn't matter.


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