[Evolution] Week View bunches Wednesday and Thursday together, not Saturday & Sunday

Hi all,

I am new to Evolution, having just escaped from the Microsoft ecosystem,
and have returned to Unix/Linux after 25 years away, so I am a bit rusty
with the command line... But, it is fun to be back! I am enjoying Evolution
and learning the ropes to customise it to my needs.

I am on Evolution 3.30.5-1.1 on GNOME 3.30.2 running under PureOS (ie
Debian-based Linux from Purism).

The issue I have -- and I've searched in the archives of this list but have
not been able to find it it -- is that on the Week View (7 days), the Wed &
Thu are grouped together each in half-height at bottom left, instead of the
Sat & Sun grouped together each in half-height at bottom right, which is
what you might expect.

Changing the option to Order days in Week view from left to right still
does not change this. In this case Fri & Sat are bunched together.

Has anyone else got this issue?


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