[Evolution] Subject: forward email by filter rule failed

Dear Milan,

I cound not install the last stable version 3.34.x, because some
dependencies are not fulfilled in my linux distribution (Linux Mint
Mate 19.3).

I made your suggested setting and another via dconf editor:

        org.gnome.evolution.mail flush-outbox true
        org.gnome.evolution.mail composer-delay-outbox-flush 0

However, the message has not been sent. After restarting evolution I've
got the following error (which is the same I get by right-click the
Outbox folder and pick Flush Outbox from the context menu):

        [Original German Version]:
        Fehler bei >>Nachricht wird verschickt<<
        MAIL FROM-Befehl gescheitert: incorrect authentication data.

        [English Version, translated by myself]:
        error while >>sending message<<
        MAIL FROM-command failed: incorrect authentication data.

This is strange, because if i reopen the massage and click 'sent'
everything is ok, which mean that the message has bee sent without
asking for a password and moved to the sent folder of the related

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