[Evolution] Evolution not syncing with the server through IMAP

Evolution 3.28.5 on Ubuntu 18.04.1

Do I have an account authentification problem on my computer, or does the ISP's system have the problem?
Any techniques I can use to figure this out?

The ISP email went down for several weeks recently and it required restoring accounts.
I had to delete and recreate my email account in Evolution to get it to recognize my account.
I could access the account using the ISP's webmail system.

Access has been intermittent since reconnecting through Evolution.
It started by frequently asking me to enter the email account login information, at start up and during usage.
Then Evolution started giving me folder sync error messages.
"Failed to refresh folder "myemailusername isp net:INBOX".
The reported error was "Error syncing changes:UID STORE failed".

The folder email lists on the server, as seen through Webmail, do not match those in Evolution (Inbox, Sent, Trash).
If I try to delete emails in folder through Webmail, some complain they cannot be deleted because they do not exist.

Account is set up as an IMAP.


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