Re: [Evolution] gMail calendar names - where are they read from and can the name be changed?

Am Montag, den 17.09.2018, 17:30 +0200 schrieb Milan Crha via
that's correct. Evolution(-data-server) uses whatever the CalDAV
interface returns as the display name.

You can see that when you run evolution-source-registry (some
distributions have it stored in /usr/libexec/) like this:

   $ WEBDAV_DEBUG=1 /usr/libexec/evolution-source-registry

It'll do some queries against the server shortly after it's run,
without a need to do anything more. I do not recall whether the
server allows to rename its calendars through the CalDAV API, but you
can try it in Edit->Accounts-><find&select the Google calendar>, then
the "Browse" button will be enabled, thus click it, then select the
calendar again and click Edit button, which opens a window with
properties which Evolution can edit. Change the "Name" and click


it seems i am unable to find that browse button.

My calendar is not a CalDAV one, at least type is "gMail" and it was
added automatically when I added my gMail account via OAuth2
authentication / wizard - the properties dialog does look different
than the CalDAV one - so gMail seems to be something special here -
that's why I am asking where it does get its gMail calendar name.

So this does not work.



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