Re: [Evolution] Adjusting font size of calendar display

I do not know whether it'll work for you, but could you try to set the
font scaling to 1 and run evolution from a terminal as:
   $ GDK_SCALE=2 evolution
please? That might help a bit, I guess. This variable doesn't support
fractional scaling, at least the 3.18.x, as far as I know.
GNOME Tweak Tool has a setting for the overall scaling too, not only
for the fonts, which behave similarly as the above environment
variable, except it's set for the whole desktop.

Thank you Milan

  $ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface text-scaling-factor 1
  $ GDK_SCALE=2 evolution
does indeed double the size of all fonts, including the numbers in the
calendar.  The two scaling factors appear to interact
multiplicatively, so if I do
  $ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface text-scaling-factor 1.73
  $ GDK_SCALE=2 evolution
calendar dates are again comparatively small.

I'll try to get a later version of evolution running as you suggest,
and report back if the problem persists.


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