Re: [Evolution] Missing attachment clip icon

Il giorno gio, 10/05/2018 alle 18.02 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
having there also lines with the "boundary" values would make it
clearer how the parts are interleaved,


Could you include in your list of headers also the boundaries,
I'll try to construct a similar message here and check whether the
does what it is supposed to do. Those boundaries are basically lines
containing "Apple-Mail=_216" and "Apple-Mail=_4E7".

(Sorry, but indeed I didn't know how to be not too much nor too little
"verbose" in providing the message structure). You can find a more
detailed structure attached.

You can also find at [1] the screenshot of the bottom part of the
message as rendered in evo. BTW, I could be wrong but I think I never
encountered such a signature below the "attachment lines" (sorry for
the improper name). Also, those two white strips below the 2nd and 3rd
attachment rows (xls and 1st docx) seem strange to me.

Last note: if I double click on the first attach in the attachment bar
("allegato.dat") at the very bottom of the window, it shows a sort of
message source in my text editor, is this normal?

Thank you, and bye


Attachment: messageStructure_Detailed.txt
Description: Text document

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