Re: [Evolution] How to undo an incorrect image display response and why do certain emails not show all content?

The reason for the "Cack handed" retort was entirely because I was
getting a digest (being a noob at this I did not realise that was
what I was receiving) I have now turned that off at the list site in
my preferences and now it seems a lot less "Cack handed" and I prefer
email to web tools anyway.
So I am fully "with the project" at last ... I think?

A couple of other pointers to keep people happy - at least on here. 

 - Don't top post. It may be the norm in corporate environments, but
tech conversations are much clearer if you interleave your replies with
the relevant questions/comments.  A part of this is to use proper
quoting and indenting.

 - Trim your mails. Don't include all the rest of the email in the
thread if it's not relevant. We can all see the rest of the thread as
we've already got it all in our inboxes.

 - Avoid using HTML/RichText emails.  It rarely enhances the
understanding of the text and, to be honest, sometimes makes it more
difficult to read. For instance the background colour you have on your
emails make it look like the content is "greyed out"!  HTML emails are
for eye-candy only and a waste of bandwidth - your emails are 23k, mine
4k for the same information content.

There's no "law" that you have to do these things, but it will piss
people off if you don't and you will continually get comments about it.
Also, not all mailing lists are the same - read and watch a list for a
little while, then try and fit in. You will get a lot more help with
things that way. (We will always try and help, but if people keep
ignoring advice, eventually that help will dry up. You've got to help
us to help you.)


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