Re: [Evolution] Missing Oauth2 secreat

On Mon, 2018-07-16 at 08:58 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:

> I suspect that it's this bug


> Definitely, sounds like my problem, which means I screwed as
> LinuxMint probably won't patch things until 20 and
> flatpak isn't option.

> It's not a major update, just 3.28.1 -> 3.28.3. Surely Mint provides
> updates and bug fixes for things?  Might I suggest you ask on the
> Mint
> forums about it - possibly file a bug against Mint for the update,
> it's
> a security issue after all.

Well, I previously went from Mint 18.0 -> 18.1 -> 18.2 -> 18.3 and the
version of evolution went from 3.12 to 3.18 and I don't recall any
updates outside of the major updates ie 18.0 to 18.1, etc

> So the next question is why can't I revert it back to password as it
> was before ?

> Possibly that's a Google issue. But you need to configure your Google
> account to enable "less secure login" for it to work at all. 

That's where I started out.. with "less secure set".. via the account
manager as it is a corp account.  I suspect that evolution sees that
Oauth2 is available as a login and defaults to it.. Thus, any time I
edit the profile I need to verify that it is still set to
password/login and not reverted back to OAuth2.

> One other possibility is to configure the account using Gnome online
> Accounts - that will use different code for OAuth2 which almost
> certainly won't suffer from this bug and it will create the account
> within Evolution using the authentication tokens it has got.

Yeah.. I just got to find an hour or two uninterrupted to figure it all
 out and get it all configured.


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