Re: [Evolution] GPG - cannot verify sender

On Wed, 2018-08-15 at 12:29 +0200, Gary Curtin wrote:
Newbie with Evolution and GPG, so please be patient. :-)

When receiving GPG signed messages I keep getting the yellow error bar
saying "Valid signature, but cannot verify sender (Name <
email address com>)

I have the public key in Seahorse, so why is this error showing?

Gang, correct me if I'm wrong... 

I read this as the sender's public key is not on Gary's keyring in Seahorse and/or
not available from a public key server.

The message explicitly states the key is valid, meaning properly formed and not tampered 
with, but then says it can't be verified.  Two different actions which have to happen
in sequence.

if I'm correct, then the following should resolve the yellow

gpg --keyserver <public server> --recv-keys <keyID in question>

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