Re: [Evolution] Could not open the link

On Thu, 2017-11-16 at 11:54 +0000, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On Thu, 2017-11-16 at 08:55 +0000, Pete Biggs wrote:
or for newer systems 

 gio mime x-scheme-handler/http

from that you should be able to see the available handlers. You set
it to what you want with

Thanks Pete. As a non-Gnome user I'm continually astonished at Gnome's
ability to keep moving the goalposts regarding settings. I had no idea
this thing even existed. A glance at the man page tells me: "gio is a
utility that makes many of the GIO features available from the
commandline", which tells me precisely nothing. It doesn't even
reference other Gnome documentation where one might try to find out,
because the author just assumes you already know what GIO is.

Sounds like a valid enhancement request. If you'd like to file it:

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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