Re: [Evolution] Element can not be send to the calendar

On Wed, 2017-03-29 at 16:53 +0000, Schlatow, Sebastian wrote:
no. I can not edit an appointment in the EWS calendar in the Calendar
view. Also I can not create a new one.
okay. Could you do some debugging for me, please? The steps are:
a) close evolution
b) open a terminal and run there this command (copy&paste):
   $ EWS_DEBUG=2 /usr/libexec/evolution-calendar-factory -w
   (The actual path can be different in your distribution.)
c) wait for 3-5 seconds (to give D-Bus time to set things up)
d) start evolution in the Calendar view:
   $ evolution -c calendar
e) try to add an event into the EWS calendar

The terminal from step b) should have some lengthy output there. If
not, then the EWS calendar thinks it's offline. In that case check
content of:
for all .source files which contain EWS (case insensitively), or your
server host name. It's possible that one of those files contains an
[Authentication] section which has empty Host key, as it happened in
the past, but it's only a blind guess. Filling the Host key with proper
value (your server host name) may help. Such change (in .source file)
is better to be done when evolution-source-registry background process
is stopped (once you do that, `evolution --force-shutdown` can restart
all background processes in one shoot).

By the way, is this a fresh installation (or you entered the EWS
account in 3.22.6), or it's an update from some older evolution

P.S.: Feel free to reply to the list (Cltr+L) only, not to all. I am on
the list, thus you cannot miss me, and it makes things easier for me
(as I can also use Ctrl+L, instead of replying to all and deleting your
address (yes, I prefer replies to the list, unless stated otherwise by
the counter part)).

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