Re: [Evolution] Gmail integration w. Evolution

On Wed, 2016-11-02 at 02:38 -0400, Paul Smith wrote:
On Tue, 2016-11-01 at 19:39 -0400, Benjamin Selzer wrote:

I understand. He doesn't want the Gmail folders as a SUB of Gmail. He
wants them on the same level as Inbox, etc. It's annoying they're in a
sub called Gmail.

The only folders under [Gmail] are Gmail's special folders like Spam,
Trash, etc.  I virtually never use those anyway (the only one I use at
all is "Sent Mail", and not very often).

All my folders that I created myself are not under [Gmail], they appear
as normal folders.

Based on the link provided by the OP:

this is EXACTLY how Thunderbird also does it.  The images are virtually
identical to Evolutions.

So I just don't understand what he's looking for.



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