Re: [Evolution] 1) Contact Categories CardDav, 2) Client offline connection

On Sun, 2016-02-28 at 00:18 +0000, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On Sun, 2016-02-28 at 00:23 +0200, Prometheus wrote:

2) When i open Evolution it reports that my connection is offline
that it will get back online when the connection is restored. I am
behind a router using an ethernet cable (no wi-fi). All other apps
connecting to the internet. In the FAQ it says to check whether the
network has been setup correctly. I am not sure what it is meant by
this. What do i have to check in order to fix this? (If i force the
client to be online it correctly connects).

Sorry, I sent that too quickly. The answer used to have slightly more
information but seems to have been edited. What it said before is that
some distros of Linux use NetworkManager to handle network
configuration, but in that case you have to be sure to use NM and not a
manual setup, because if NM exists then Evo believes what it says about
the connection state. The options are either to uninstall NM or to use
it to configure your network.

I've no idea if this applies to your distro, but as you're using KDE
it's just possible that NM is installed but not running.


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