Re: [Evolution] Real server-side IMAP folders (Was: Re: Some questions..)

I see new (for me) information about Gmail structure :-)

Am Montag, den 18.04.2016, 12:24 +0200 schrieb Milan Crha:

Partly related, with respect of the GMail Sent folder setting, this one
is skipped since the evolution-data-server 3.20.1. I noticed in the
GMail web interface that they show there [Imap]/Drafts and [Imap]/Sent
"folders", thus it seems to me that they distinguish between the two
being done through the web UI and through the IMAP interface. That is,
the right real folders in the IMAP should be /Drafts and /Sent, rather
than [Gmail]/Drafts and [Gmail]/Sent. I setup my IMAP GMail account to
use the real /Sent folder on the server, then I sent the message. The
Web UI shows the message both in the [Imap]/Sent and /Sent folders, but
in each only once. Furthermore, the later (/Sent) shows the message
with the "[Imap]/Sent" tag, thus it seems to me that the /Sent folder
in the Web interface consolidates all sent messages from all folders (I
have there shown also sent messages from the Inbox folder). The IMAP
interface shows the sent message only in the /Sent folder, not in the
[Gmail]/Sent folder.

My question is whether the current evolution behaviour makes it better
for the users. The difference is only in the IMAP interface, where the
sent messages would be split between the /Sent and [Gmail]/Sent
folders, while the Web UI view would be still (almost) the same. I'm
not a fan of the split views, that only adds confusion for the users,


then I'd rather not assign the /Sent folder, neither the /Drafts
folder, in the IMAP interface, even it looks like the way the GMail
wants the users to use it.

Is anyone interested in further discussing the topic of the odd
behaviour of Gmail accounts - as already begun in another thread -->

I'd like to continue these lessons about Gmail here, but that would need
to bring together this thread and the one already started or start a new
one - or any other suggestions ?

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