Re: [Evolution] Gmail + Sent Messages to a local folder

On Thu, 2016-04-14 at 12:58 +0200, Tom wrote:
Am Donnerstag, den 24.03.2016, 18:02 +0000 schrieb Pete Biggs: 


Gmail itself (not Evolution)
saves a copy of every email you send through it, independent of any
settings in Evolution.  So you *should not* tell Evolution to save
mail on the server for Gmail accounts - not only is it unnecessary
do so, but I think it might well cause confusion when you have two
copies of every message sent.

For Gmail accounts you should configure Evolution to store sent
messages in a local folder, normally "On This Computer/Sent".

This is the advice from both Google and the Evolution team.

(If you don't use Gmail's SMTP server, then this doesn't apply.)
So, let's state, all the following is about using Gmail's SMTP

It is on-topic in so much as it might be necessary to explain some
the odd behaviour of Gmail accounts - but it is not Evolution
any IMAP client suffers from the same problems.
Hoping we get together some explanations of the odd behaviour of
accounts. First of all, I'd like to show, how I set up my account in
Evolution, so the reader knows we're talking about - maybe - some
special setup. 


You would be better using some image service and pasting a link

"Gesendet" is the "SENT" folder which I pointed to -->
Hope you non-german recognize what's called account editor (or so).

So I did the forbidden (?) - but it works with no difficulties :-o

It's not forbidden and no-one said it wouldn't work. It's just not
recommended as it doesn't gain you anything. Gmail is always going to
store your sent messages there anyway, even if you don't set it. All
you're doing is to upload each message twice (once for the "send" and
again for the "store"). I suspect Gmail simply throws away the second
one (remember that Gmail is really an interface to a database) though I
haven't checked this. However you will certainly be using more
bandwidth for absolutely no benefit.


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