[Evolution] keyring & my Workaround

Hy folks,

After a debian 8.2, KDE, btrfs 64bit, 8GB RAM reinstallation

I had the situation
evolution keeps asking for password 
was not helpfull.
My solution is this workaround

First: Disable Keyring daemon
If you want to disable the gnome-keyring-daemon, so it does not start
automatically at every system start by GDM or since Ubuntu 11.10 by
LightDM, you have to use an editor [2] with root privileges the
following two lines from the file / etc / pam.d / GDM respectively
remove /etc/pam.d/lightdm:
### auth optional pam_gnome_keyring.so
### session optional pam_gnome_keyring.so auto_start
after this steps

Uninstall Seahorse = Keyring daemon successor

restart the computer with a cold start
install the keepass2
After Synaptic / Shell Installation

alt + F2 
keepass2 + enter

load of the http://keepass.info/translations.html the language file
Then unzip it and you will get a file like German.lngx.
The German.lngx file you copy to the directory / usr / lib / keepass2
This goes in the root shell with two methods
cp source path / German.lngx / usr / lib / keepass2
or with
or with
mc (= Midnight Commander etc.)

Follow the guide at the first start

in the menu bar klic on \ Edit \ Add Entry
Enter the provider name or own Note for the title
Enter the mail address for the user name
Enter the mail address account password in the line Password
one clic on the 3 dots shows you the plaintext for your controll
CTRL + S saves the database changes
sign off/on and the evolution password problem is gone

I hope it helps


-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------Von: Milan Crha
<mcrha redhat com>
An: evolution-list gnome org
Betreff: Re: [Evolution] keyring?
Datum: Tue, 20 Oct 2015 12:08:58 +0200

On Mon, 2015-10-19 at 15:21 -0700, David Smith wrote:
The reported error was "Failed to obtain an access token for
'???? ??? com': No credentials found in the keyring".

I second the question from Andre and Roy, it's really good to know and
verify these things.

With respect of the error message, if I'm not mistaken, then the error
is reported by the GNOME Online Accounts. Do you have your account
configured through it? Go to the Online Accounts (run
gnome-control-center if you do not have it running (I doubt it's
accessible in XFCE settings); the corresponding package in Fedora is
control-center (without the "gnome" prefix, for some reason)) and set
the password, or re-login (possibly to GMail) to get the access token
for the account. You might probably want to re-login your XFCE session
as well, thus the new access token is taken by the evolution background
processes (like the evolution-source-registry).

There had been reported some issues with GNOME Online Accounts in the
evolution-data-server in the past. Whether your version is affected or
not I cannot tell, because I do not know your exact version. The
current evolution stable version is 3.18.1, which has the GNOME Online
Accounts issues fixed.

        Hope it helps,

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