Re: [Evolution] workaround for recurring tasks

On Sun, 2015-11-08 at 22:58 +0100, Gour wrote:
It's hard to believe that such basic things are missing...

it's not as that simple, because the task view, with compare to the
calendar view, doesn't have time constraints, thus you see all the
tasks. Imagine one task, which recurs forever. That's an important
conceptual change in the Evolution code to handle this correctly.

I've tried to install KDE on openSUSE (under vbox), but
Evolution/GNOME is simply much better/nicer, so I wonder what more
experienced users do as workaround in regard?

I had a chat with one (I think) student about recurring tasks few
months ago. He was implementing it for another project, which worked in
a similar way as in the taskwarrior. I thought it was for gnome-todo,
but it didn't make it into 3.18.1 (I did not find it there).

Any hints to workaround in order to stay with GNOME/Evolution?

I'm not aware of anything, except of the obvious "file couple future
occurrences ahead and do not forget to file more when you reach the
last". Maybe other users do have better options.

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