Re: [Evolution] Evolution doesn't start

Hi Milan,

am 24.02.2015 um 11:43 schrieb Milan Crha:
I'm sorry, but where did you get such steps for a restore from a 
it came out of the directions on
(see point "Backups").

How did you create the backup?
The file was created in and by Evolution via the menu.
It has about 1,5 GB.

There is no way to restore the file manually the way you did it, 
because of the code doing the replacements in paths and such. There 
can be done a manual restore of certain parts of the backup file, but 
it can easily break evolution, just the same as it happened to you.
I sure know *that* by now.

Thank you very much for the enlightment - tonight, after work, I will
try to solve the problems around it and test the backup file.

Best regards

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