Re: [Evolution] Evolution doesn't start

On Tue, 2015-02-24 at 10:57 +0100, Jörg Jenetzky wrote:
Yes, I tried to restore from a backup-file on a new installation, 
which didn't work out from the step
gconftool --load=$HOME/.local/share/evolution/backup-restore-
After that the segfault occured and I had been unable to fix it - 
until now.
I'm sorry, but where did you get such steps for a restore from a 
backup? How did you create the backup? The only right way of using 
Evolution-created backups is to use File->Backup Evolution settings 
and its counter part, File->Restore Evolution settings pointing to the 
file which the former menu entry created.

There is no way to restore the file manually the way you did it, 
because of the code doing the replacements in paths and such. There 
can be done a manual restore of certain parts of the backup file, but 
it can easily break evolution, just the same as it happened to you.

If you break things, then removing ~/.local/share/evolution, 
~/.cache/evolution, ~/.config/evolution and GConf path 
/apps/evolution, or GSettings path /org/gnome/evolution (for newer 
versions) will help to start from scratch and restore from backup 
using Evolution itself. You might not have any evolution background 
processes running when doing the folder cleanup. Also, better to 
rename folders, than to delete, to not lose your data.

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