Re: [Evolution] Evolution 3.85/Centos7/SSL does not work

Am Donnerstag, den 23.04.2015, 10:33 +0200 schrieb Andre Klapper: 
On Wed, 2015-04-08 at 09:26 -0700, Lee Moberg wrote:
Error while Fetching mail from 'my ISP mail server'
Could not connect to 'my ISP mail server':995:  SSL peer was not
expecting a handshake message it received.

Verified working settings in Evolution 2.32.3:

Receiving mail
type pop
server my ISP mail server   port 995
SSL encryption
Auth type: password

Out of curiosity, have you tried using STARTTLS instead of SSL?


... or pre-check the SSL handshake with openssl ?

Command would be: openssl s_client -connect pop.server.tld:995 -quiet

The server should then start a POP session, displaying a greeting such
as the
+OK The Microsoft Exchange POP3 service is ready. (CAS2)

If you would like to see the public key of the server, as well as some
other encryption-related information, omit "-quiet".

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