Re: [Evolution] Sorting - was: Restoring data to new HDD

On Sat, 2014-10-25 at 15:11 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
Sorting tends to make Evo unresponsive for minutes and when Evo is
responsive again, it usually doesn't kept the cursor position, what
renders the sort sometimes useless. In addition I noticed that search
filters sometimes present completely irrational results. IMO there's
something fishy since years. I don't care much about this, but I
remember that other MUAs did a better job for this kind of MUA usage.

too vague, please be more specific. I have no issues with sorting [1], 
and search folders work for me too, though I do not use them that 
often these days.

Btw. I already experienced issues with the virtual Junk folder in the
past, but currently I can't excess it anymore. Sorting out junk also 
is a kind of sorting mails.

You mention it for the third time in the mailing list, but the request 
from the dedicated thread for it is still on going - get the 
backtrace, then anything can be taken out of it. Without backtrace 
it's all just a guessing.

Seemingly there is something fishy.

I agree, but I can sort by date (I do all the time), threaded or not, I
can enter my junk folder, thus either you reached some "corner case" 
or something broke on your machine/in the underlying data. I suppose 
this also works for the other wast majority of evolution users, 
otherwise there would be a demand to fix it, whatever it is.


[1] Maybe related to sorting:

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