Re: [Evolution] Restoring data to new HDD

On Sat, 2014-10-25 at 13:25 +0100, G.W. Haywood wrote:
Which I said in my third post on this topic.  However it's not only
the 'subject' sort which suffers from this issue.  The 'date' sort,
which I have seen and tested personally - at a meeting of Company
Directors, thank you very much - is also broken at least in 3.4.4.

could you define "broken" here, please? I sort by date, threaded or 
not, and it works for me. I use the development version though, 3.13.7.
Your sort issues can be related to this bug too:

I am told that other sorts are broken too, but I haven't seen 
evidence of that personally.  The pressure was on at the time to get 
a workable mail client and then retire to lick wounds.

Please note that the current stable version is 3.12.7, which means 
that yours 3.4.4 is about 4 years old. I checked changes in evolution 
between 3.5.4 and 3.13.7 inclusive, and evolution counts of 507 bug 
fixes, evolution-data-server counts of 335 bug fixes (maybe with few 
duplicates due to re-fixes and changes touching both evo and eds). 
These are only fixes paired with filled bugs, there had been more 
changes done without bug reports.

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