Re: [Evolution] Restoring data to new HDD

I can't work out where this thread is currently, so excuse me for
replying to the original message.

One thing you never said, or I can't recall seeing is what type of mail
account you use, but since you are worried about moving mail around, I
presume these are POP accounts.

I am having to change HDDs and with that from Solydx testing to Solydx
stable.  Testing has Evol. 3.12.6 and stable has Evol. 3.4.4.   The
testing OS will become the stable OS sometime early next year hopefully
with 3.12.6 but I don't know for sure. 

I believe they will not restore backwards in versions. 

Correct.  Although I don't think there is much difference between
sub-version levels.  i.e. 3.12.6 would probably be able to cope with a
backup created by 3.12.7, although it won't be "recommended".  You
definitely won't be able to restore a 3.12.7 backup to 3.4.4.

You have to remember what the backup made within Evolution actually is -
Evo dumps the dconf/gconf configuration to a file, then tars up that
file and the data directories into an archive.  On restore the file is
just untar'd to the correct place, the configuration is restored and
then Evolution is restarted.  On restart, evolution sees old data in
place and starts an upgrade process on that data. Version 3.4.4 will not
know about the 3.12.7 formats, so won't know what to do.

Most of the issue with backups is, I suspect, that people have already
used Evolution before doing the restore, and things get very confused.

 I have a tar.gz
with 3.12.7 but I have never successfully installed one.  Can this be
done on this Debian system or do I have to wait for next year?

I have successfully restored Evo tar backups, even going between
different versions - I must admit I haven't done it for a couple of
years though.  It shouldn't matter what the distro is (unless they've
done something odd to Evo!).

I have both OSs going right now so email is still working and I have
time to ponder this.

If you want to downgrade Evo, then I suspect you will have to create the
accounts manually and then treat the old mail data as external and
import it in to Evo by creating new temporary accounts pointing to the
old data.

The important thing is to not restore the Evo data to the same place as
is going to be used by the downgrade version - that will just be the
cause of confusion.  If you have a tar file of the data from 3.12.7,
create a new directory and untar the file into that - then you will be
able to see where your mail files are - probably .local/share/evolution
in the temp directory (not ~/.local)

Of course the other way is to move all your mail to an IMAP server, that
way you never ever have to worry about moving your mail between versions
(just the configurations!).


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