[Evolution] Migration problem


I am in the long process of attempting to migrate from windows to Linux I think 18 months is a long time. The big hold up has been outlook 2007 to Evolution or Thunderbird. Where can I find the latest evolution for windows download as my plan is to migrate outlook to windows evolution and then win Evolution to Linux Evolution. Is this the best choice? And any good windows software to help speed this process along blah- blah and even commercial email clients. This has been an ongoing process for about a year had to figure the Linux out which distros were made for idiots and then which one was for a real idiot. I have converted the 2007 PST file to 2003 PST format I tried to do the thunderbird route but it was a failure.

This plan seems to be the easiest  I am really an idiot when it comes to the Linux I thought I might try to do a virtual machine on the Linux and load MS office and run it that way. Because they say office and crossover is no good.


Peace ,Pax Mir




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