Re: [Evolution] Evolution on 64 bits Linux system

Hi :)
Sorry about my posts yday!!  I was having a really "bad hair day". 

I have seen lists where top-posting does result in very much bullying type of behaviour but i agree it doesn't happen in Evo.  I think it's important to avoid the type of flame-war(ish) type of thing we had yday and am glad it's about the only time i have seen it in the couple years (already) that i have been lurking here. 

The LibreOffice Users List used to be really bad for it at first while the more technical lists, well, marketing, documentation, translators seemed to top-post most of the time anyway.  The Users List eventually realised they were being swamped by noobs none of whom realised they were supposed to scroll down so some people started putting a line at the top to say (scroll to the bottom to see the response) then eventually they either started top-posting themselves or moved to other lists.  Now it's quite normal to see all 3 styles of posting and all 3 are accepted. 

Each method has potential problems.  It seems a lot of people that post in-line don't leave a gap between the section they are replying to and what they say.  Often that is done in plain text or all in black.  So, it becomes impossible to work out which bits they wrote.  However i think that when used decently (as Pete did) then in-line makes the most sense.  Bottom posting does make more sense but it's just so rare to see it outside of developer's lists. 

Even though this list does bottom-post it still manages to be one of the more customer-friendly lists.  The focus is almost always on solving the problems people write in about or helping nudge someone into solving their problem themselves.  It is sometimes a little geeky but not excessively and people seem ready to explain things

I think a lot of companies could learn a lot about customer service by lurking here. 
Regards from
Tom :) 

From: Pete Biggs <pete biggs org uk>

<snip />

Usually what happens is if someone top posts they will
politely be asked not to do it in future - there's no flaming, no agro,
no contempt.  Most people are happy to comply. 

<snip />

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