Re: [Evolution] Evolution and multiple identites


On Thu, 2013-07-04 at 10:44 +0200, Paladin wrote:
it is possible to set up Evolution with multiple identites?

I'm trying to do so for some time now and I cannot find a way,
googling doesn't help.

What I need is to assign multiple email addreses to one accout,
      john_doe example org
      johnny example org

And to be able to pick from which I want to respond (autopick based
on folder would be nice but if not possible it's ok).

If you want to enter a random address in the composer: No, see

But you can create accounts for Sending only by setting the "server
type" to "None" on the "Receiving Email" tab.


PS: Still undecided whether I should cover this in the user docs, see
Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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